LCM Strategy paves the way to maximize long term value of a recently launched antibiotic
A systematic assessment of the value-added of several LCM options enabled Cogent to model the financial impact of three different development strategies and guide a go / no-go decision based on (i) incremental patients treated and (ii) price-volume trade-offs for each strategic alternative.
Pre-launch Market Assessment paves the way for building the commercial infrastructure to launch 2 products across 17 markets
Cogent’s dynamic forecasting tool enables client to model investment scenarios for 17 markets showing revenue potential and determining appropriate sales and marketing infrastructure for each market.
Portfolio Analysis drives internal consensus on regional growth opportunities
A combination of desk research, modeling, and workshops with local marketing teams generates a >50% increase in revenue projections based on sharing insights across markets & indications. Market specific priorities get the full buy-in of local teams to implement the game plan.
Portfolio Management - How to get started?
Click below to read about Cogent’s simple, yet comprehensive 5-Point assessment to identify where to best start the process of building a portfolio management capability that will ensure you get the most out of your R&D, Product, or other investment projects portfolios
Primary Market Research reveals an opportunity for a novel product formulation
Combining qualitative and quantitative PMR enabled client to assess the NPV of 4 development strategies and generated alignment on a development plan with clearly defined milestones and go / no-go thresholds at multiple decision points.
Building Resilience into your Innovation Portfolio
Innovation is inherently risky. Click here to see how Cogent has helped clients establish good risk management practices that enable them to have more predictable returns on R&D investments and to take on higher risk moonshots without betting the farm.